Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Letter- white perspective from 1930s

Dear Pen Pal,

i am writing to you from the 1930s in the great depression stage.
life back here in the 20th century is very different compared to the 21st century where you are now!
back here our familys are considered good familys if our fathers have jobs.
not many familys have money at the moment so our lifes are consisting on very little feeds for each meal and cant buy new clothes or toys or any essentials that are needed.
everyone has atleast one or two maids to help our mothers stayed home and familys also had a nurse and cook.
Good familys are also good church members which i see now in the 21st century not as many familys attend church like they did here in the 20th century.
Good familys were also judged on the accents and how they talked.
The 20th century is very different to the 21st century seeing as people in the century you live in have high definition televisions which is very important to some familys seeing as everything is showed and based on television these days!
You have ipods and mobile phones, home phones are wireless and there are many changes on the way children were brought up and many more laws than we had.
Movie theaters wernt open on sundays and they didnt have air-conditioning.
Children had good manners and most children wernt even allowed to say shut-up.
Children in the 21st now say the most rudest things without even getting punished!
Back in my day children wernt even allowed to joke or be sarcastic, and now everything is based on jokes and sarcasm.
Parents never said bad words and little girls wernt allowed to raise their voices.
Normally little girls didnt resolve to violence and speech was a important part of their lives.
They were pulled up and corrected all the time so that they had amazing speech and manners.
Girls had sunday dresses and when they became to small they were made into everyday dresses.
Girls these days were mini shorts with half of their body revealed in places it shouldnt be.
Girls in the 20th century had restirctions on what they could wear and they would never disobey there parents.
No one ever went anywhere barefoot and they always had shoes on, even to go outside.
There was a strict code on girls not allowed to fight even play fight but it was alright for boys because its still got the phrase even now in the 21st century 'boys will be boys.'
They also were strict on their grammer and wernt allowed to talk like the black children they played with.
Girls were never allowed to say the word 'pregnant'
Our world was much more care-free and gentler.
Every didnt have anger issues and everyone was nice to each other!

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